Paper Graffiti Black Book #2 | 21" x 13.5" | Ink & Marker on Paper | 1995 Conflict | Acrylic on heavy paper Untitled I | 13.75" x 10.5" | Ink on Paper | Freedom | 18" x 12" | Mixed Media | 2011 Graffitti Black Book #1 Creatures | Markers & ink on paper | 17" x 14" | 1997 Untitled II | 13.75" x 10.5" | Graphite on Paper | Graffitti Black Book 3 | 16.25" x 10.5" | Marker on Paper | 1996 Pyramid | Markers & ink on paper Derels | Markers & ink on Paper board Untitled I | Marker on Heavy Paper | 17" x 14" | 1998 Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this websites owner is strictly prohibited.